He that walketh with wise shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20
When you have some free time today, stand on a chair and ask a person beneath you to pull you down while you try to pull them up. You are absolutely right, you will look foolish, but the exercise won’t be in vain because you would have proved the Apostle Paul right. Paul displayed a great deal of Wisdom when writing to the church at Corinth. It’s too easy to be pulled down by the world so avoid grabbing hold of them.
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14
This verse is true in so many ways. Many times in the church we pull on this scripture to suggest that Christian men and women should not marry non-believers but the principle goes way beyond that. As stated in the Abbott New Testament Commentary. “[It refers to being] joined with them in any of the pursuits or associations of life. This prohibition so to speak, is not restricted to marriage. It seems, to be more general in its meaning, referring to connections of any kind.”
Over the years, how many Christian men have been drug down by their non-Christian friends? How many times has an honest businessman had his name smeared by the actions of a dishonest partner? This verse was designed to cover all of those things as well. We are in this world but not of it. We are children of God.
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:16-17
The above verse says you are a child of God – the King. You are a prince or a princess; in dating, why would you date anyone who is not royalty? In friendship, these verses say you are God’s child – why would you misrepresent Dad (God) by running with the wrong crowd. In business these verses and many other verses mean, you are an ambassador in this world doing your Father’s business; do not do anything to risk bringing shame to his name.
Please note today’s devotional is not to conform you to an arrogant person that shuns coming in contact with sinners. Remember, the only difference between the saved and lost is that we recognized our lost-ness and need for salvation. If it wasn’t for God’s grace being extended to us we would be in the same boat as the worst sinners in the world be it the town drunk; the pedophile, or Hitler. Paul declared that if it had not been for the saving grace of Christ, he would have been the chief sinner, and that would be the same for some of us.
We should not be stuck-up for sure. Just the opposite should be true. Looking at Jesus we can see that He was in the company of sinners, but He wasn’t yoked with them. He served them. He knew if He didn’t reach out to them no one would. But this was all done while being surrounded by a circle of real friends. He yoked himself with twelve not the masses he served. The same goes for us. We are to connect ourselves in all things with fellow believers and encourage one another to pursue God’s interests in all we do. Grab hold of Godly men and women surround yourself with great influences.
Pastor J