The Joy of P.E.

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise” Proverbs 11:30
Everyone reading this devotional today probably loved P.E. in school. This was where after hours of instruction in class you finally were able to get to a place where you could run, catch up on the day with your friends, and expel all of that energy that was racing through your bones at your desk! I loved P.E., and so does God! God loves Physical Education? No, well He might, but I’m speaking of Personal Evangelism! This is the way God uses our testimony to bring lost souls to the Kingdom of God!

Let’s start with the question of “Who is called to Go?” Answer: You are! We are! Jesus said,

19 So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations: Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. “And remember that I am always with you until the end of time.” Matthew 28:19-20 GNT
In the original language, these words are addressed to everyone. Not just pastors, evangelists, and missionaries, but everyone: businessmen, housewives, students, everyone. No one is exempted. Also, in the original language, this is a command. Jesus is not saying, “If you can find time in your busy schedule, as a personal favor to me, would you mind going into all the world and preaching the gospel?”

Then the question might be “Why is it so important to Go?” Answer: considering the climate of our world, it is more important now than ever before. There is often a great barrier between Christians and unbelievers. To some degree that is to be expected, because we view things from a different perspective, and live by biblical principles often scorned by the world. Many times, however, this barrier is in place because Christians have so far removed themselves from unbelievers that they have absolutely no connection with them. If you look at Paul as he spoke about his personal evangelism to the Corinthian church he said, ‘I’ve become just about every sort of servant there is in my attempts to lead those I meet into a God-saved life. I did all this because of the Message. I didn’t just want to talk about it; I wanted to be in on it!’1 Corinthians 9:22 Message

He made a point of being like the people he wanted to win to Christ. He did this without compromising or falling into sin. His sole motivation for doing so was to win people to Christ.Lastly one may ask, “What do I get out of Going?” Answer: JOY! One of the most exciting and fulfilling things you can do is tell others about Jesus. This message God has given us was meant to be shared, not hoarded. You were blessed to be a blessing. When you do not share, you begin to stagnate; when you do share, you revive. Scripture tells us that those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed,

The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.
Proverbs 11:25 Message

If Christ has saved me, I am His disciple. If I am His disciple, I am commanded to go and make disciples of others. But remember God doesn’t want you to share the gospel out of mere duty, but with joy and passion. We have a choice: evangelize or fossilize!

Pastor J


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