Keep Persevering

The-Power-to-Persevere_620“And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope”Romans 5:2-4


Perseverance is the key to every great accomplishment because nothing of lasting value has ever been achieved without it. Industrialist Henry Ford is one of the great success stories of American history, but he failed in business five times before he succeeded. A Ford Motor Company employee once asked his boss the secret of success, and Henry Ford replied, “When you start a thing, don’t quit until you finish it.” The path ahead of you is filled with obstacles. People will oppose you. There will be financial setbacks, time pressures, illnesses and misfortunes. However some of the biggest obstacles will be inside of you: self-doubt, insecurity, procrastination, worry but today I challenge you to give yourself permission to succeed.
When we persevere, when we decide to keep going through adversity, we win the approval of our Lord Jesus Christ, who told the suffering church at Ephesus, “I see what you’ve done, your hard, hard work, your refusal to quit… I know your persistence, your courage in my cause, that you never wear out.
Revelations 2:2A-3 The Message. That, I’m sure, is the same commendation Joseph received from God when he passed the perseverance test.

Perseverance simply is a refusal to quit. It’s falling down 100 times and getting back up 101 times. We must remember that perseverance is not a matter of forcing doors to open; it’s standing in front of the doors as long as it takes before God chooses to open them. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. The race doesn’t go to the swiftest, but to those who don’t give up. We need endurance in order to deal with the stress of adversity. We must maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. People give up or give out when they feel depleted – when they physically, emotionally and spiritually run out of gas.
Through personal experience I must say, when you are going through adversity, watch the company you keep. I know I’ve been quoted on several different occasions be it here or at church, admonishing you to choose your circle wisely because when you are facing one of the most difficult times in your life the last thing you need is a circle filled with doubters, blamers and people that may be inclined to try to talk you out of your dreams and goals. Literally those toxic personalities will destroy your potential for success. Surround yourself with people of like faith, optimists and encouragers, someone that can help you on this journey not hinder you!
It’s in you, persevere to the end!

Pastor J


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